Improve Your Freelancing Day with the 33:33 Hack

Steal this legendary Copywriter’s secret

J.R. Flaherty
4 min readMar 27, 2024
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Ever find yourself staring at a blank page, utterly drained of creative juices?

Sometime around 3 PM, you’ve been typing and deleting the same few sentences for hours. Your mind is sugar-low mush.

This vicious cycle of block after block will slowly chip away at your motivation. If it goes on too long, your confidence as a writer.

Instead, what if there was an oddly specific technique that dissolved this creative Sahara? A hack that refreshes your brain through strategic gulps of focus and replenishing breaks?

It’s the peculiar 33:33 method from an unexpected source — copywriting legend Gary Halbert.

Also known as the highest-paid copywriter in history.

Here is how it transformed my freelance writing grind.

Understanding the 33:33 Technique

So, you are sitting down, setting a timer for 33 minutes and 33 seconds, and just… being with your work. No strings attached. No pressure to churn out Shakespearean prose — just you and the task existing together.

This method, picked up from the wisdom of Gene Schwartz and given a nod by Gary Halbert in his…

