How I Found Deep Sleep Every Night and Stopped Worrying

Here’s what helped me sleep better — without medication

J.R. Flaherty
3 min readFeb 19, 2024
Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

It’s the typical soundtrack to a sleepless night.

It’s late, the ceiling above is as familiar as the back of your eyelids, and tomorrow’s tasks loom large.

Left unchecked, one restless night snowballs into a series, each day feeling more grating.

I’ve journeyed through countless remedies in search of better sleep: meditation, herbal teas, indulgent baths, avoiding screens before bedtime, and even the comforting pressure of weighted blankets.

Long-time readers may even recall my experiment into how sleep worked before the days of electricity, called biphasic sleeping, in my quest for rest.

The search for better sleep felt desperate. But my life doesn’t have much time for desperation. There had to be a middle ground.

Here’s what happened.

Disclaimer: A quick heads-up — I’m no expert. The insights shared here stem from personal trials, not professional advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before embarking on new health ventures. Got it? Great, thank you.

Understanding the Basics of Sleep

